A movement for family, education, and faith
Kendall Qualls and TakeCharge
We the People, descendants of American black slaves, hereby make a public declaration to recommit to our Christian faith and heritage. In so doing, we denounce the misguided leadership of legacy Civil Rights organizations, which have pursued power, wealth, and status at the expense of the people they are meant to serve.
Whereas, the traditional two-parent black family has been decimated to near extinction, from approximately 80 percent two-parent families to 23 percent present day;
Whereas, the implementation of social welfare programs that began in the 1960s and have continued to financially incentivize single-parent homes while disadvantaging the traditional nuclear family, despite overwhelming evidence revealing that children from single-parent homes face severe challenges. These challenges include a higher likelihood of poverty, criminal activity, suffering physical and sexual abuse, performing poorly academically, abusing alcohol or drugs, having children out of wedlock, and often leading difficult lives that negatively impact themselves and their communities;
Whereas, public schools that serve poor minority communities have experienced a sharp decline in academic achievement and are on record for the lowest outcomes in decades while allowing anti-social behaviors to skyrocket;
Whereas, black people from around the world clamor to call themselves American citizens, with the exception of native-born black Americans who have been indoctrinated with knowledge of the past sins of America but have little to no knowledge of its virtues;
Whereas, our ancestors fertilized America with their blood, sweat, and tears. We owe it to them to live lives worthy of their sacrifice. Therefore, we pledge, under the TakeCharge banner and our local affiliations, to work to restore the black community to its historical roots by teaching our children the importance of faith, merit, hard work, integrity, the value of free-market enterprise, and the privilege of calling ourselves American citizens;
Therefore, we openly renounce allegiance to legacy Civil Rights organizations including newer organizations such as Black Lives Matter, which do not represent the best interests of black Americans. For decades, they have raised millions of dollars while the nuclear family collapsed along with the functional black culture. For more than 50 years, they have not introduced one national initiative to reverse the decline of two-parent families.
These organizations have also failed the black community by obstructing the main pathway out of poverty, which is a quality education. They actively and passively obstruct school choice initiatives in failing school districts across the country.
For these reasons and more, we urge local, regional, and national philanthropic organizations to shift support to organizations that work for the good of the black community by restoring two-parent families, committed to academic excellence, and a return to the traditional Christian faith.
This initiative is long-overdue but essential. We ask fellow Americans to support this national initiative and pray for its success.
Tactics for Cultural Change
1. Support School Choice policies that allow tax dollars to “follow” the student.
2. Return vocational and technical education to public schools so that participating seniors graduate workforce ready.
3. Require middle and high school students to pass the U.S. Citizenship test prior to graduation.
4. Add curriculum into middle and high school that teaches the historical truths of socialism and communism in comparison to capitalism.
5. Encourage entrepreneurial clubs and activities beginning in middle school.
6. Modify tax policies that incentivize marriage and the nuclear family.
7. Educate the community on the benefits of marriage before children and make it a priority in nonprofit organizations, academic centers, and media communication companies serving the black community.
8. Permanently revise public welfare policies that grandfathers existing recipients into their current plans but require new enrollees a 5–7 year maximum allowance.
If you are a descendant of black American slaves and you approve of this Declaration, please consider adding your signature to the document here.
Kendall Qualls is a Faculty-in-Residence at Crown College, School of Business and Founder/President of the non-profit foundation, TakeCharge. Mr. Qualls is also a former Republican candidate for governor of Minnesota.
Mr. Qualls was raised in a broken home in poverty. He worked full-time to pay for college, and served as an officer in the U.S. Army. He earned his MBA from the University of Michigan and worked as a Global Vice President of Sales and Marketing at an $850MM business unit.
Mr. Qualls recently authored a book, The Prodigal Project: Hope for American Families. He is also on the President’s Advisory Board of the Heritage Foundation and the Advisory Board for the National Medal of Honor Center of Leadership. His message has reached millions of people as a speaker and through his articles published in the New York Post, Washington Examiner, The Washington Times, The Federalist, Real Clear Politics, The Christian Post, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. His previous article in the Journal of FBT was “The Scandal Hidden in Plain Sight.” He has appeared on the FBT Podcast with host Connie Morgan in an episode titled “Bucking the Narrative.”
Mr. Qualls has been married for 38 years and he has five children.
What an encouraging statement of hope and caring. I hope your efforts yield great support!
Amen to all of this! I pray this stirs a national conversation and a revival to the principles and values of our ancestors.