“Humanity faces a choice: perpetuating indignities or pursuing dignity; eroding Liberty or honoring it.“

Jason, I really appreciate the spirit of this article and applaud your efforts. I know there are not a lot of people who are actually committed (publicly) to unity and willing to suffer for it, or who want to put the work in to have healthy/meaningful discussion about how to move forward together. I think the numbers of people who desire to move beyond their tribal notions is growing as we all look in the face of increasingly tragic consequences of these ideological ruts we have been in for generations. Your framework adds to the upward momentum we need as a nation. Looking forward to reading your essays.

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Thank you Cornell! Your feedback means a lot to me! Those are the kindset words that have been shared with me about my ideas I've received in more than seven years of me sharing them!

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This is a great piece. I agree with your mission!

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Yes!!! and then there were two! :)

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Very inspiring, Jason! I am very much in agreement with you. I appreciate the link to your other essays, as well. I have many thoughts about this current state of affairs, but it has been difficult for me to bring it all together in a cogent fashion. Thanks for doing that.

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Thank you so much for that! I'm glad you found this meaningful! It's a message I've been trying to articulate for several years but everywhere I turned I was demonized and rejected by "both sides" of the political spectrum so I thought I'd spend a year gathering my thoughts and putting them out in these writings in hopes of ispiring others during this pivotal moment in human history. Thank you for taking time out to read these articles and your comments here!

With Gratitude, Jason

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Well said.

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Thank you for the kind words!

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Happy 248!

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Happy 248 and many more!!!

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My motto is: when you’re fighting denial, bring an army. I lucked into a local MPH program that has a strong focus on community engagement and that has shaped everything that I’ve done since. In fact, everything I’ve done since would have been impossible without my formal training on how to connect with my army. This practice goes by many names depending on your field, and the level of sophistication varies a lot, too. I suggest that you look for the people in your field who are citing Paolo Friere and see if you can find some friends there.

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The 4th of July is the celebration of a violent rebellion against tyranny. People were consciously shot and killed, brutally stabbed with bayonets, and bombarded with cannon fire.

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