Hillsdale College in southwestern Michigan is the ONLY true conservative-leaning college in America. Period.
So if someone were to label it as a “bastion of conservative thought” then might not the opposite be true?
Every other single solitary college in America is a “bastion of leftist thought”?
Also, Hillsdale does “reject federal funding” and that is a BONUS…not having to be beholden to the federal government…is a wonderful thing! And guess what, their privately-funded endowments allow for scholarship monies completely free from federal government strings.
Also, Hillsdale was the first American college to prohibit in its charter any discrimination based on race, religion, or sex, and became an early force for the abolition of slavery. It was also the second college in the nation to grant four-year liberal arts degrees to women.
And, because of Hillsdale College’s anti-slavery reputation and its role in founding the new Republican party (Professor Edmund Fairfield was a leader at the first convention), many notable speakers visited its campus during the Civil War era, including Frederick Douglass and Edward Everett, who preceded Lincoln at Gettysburg.
unfortunately, it like the Republican party, has deteriorated into a bastion of Christian nationalism with a deeply internalized persecution complex more focused on a reactionary Christian culture war than the founding principles of the Party of Lincoln. Many so-called "conservatives" in the US are really radical reactionaries and (like many democrats) corporatists who will throw the people under the bus for the sake of powerful lobbyists. The surveys Hillsdale has been sending out are just filled with ridiculous questions. Not scientific in any way, very clearly trying to gain evidence of or influence survey takers toward pre-formed opinions of Christian persecution.
Christianity does have its struggles, but its more of the kind of the Mark Robinson belligerent hypocrite than any infringement upon freedom of expression or religion.
The term “Christian nationalism” has a negative connotation in the mainstream world today. But I much prefer that over the Satan-worshipping globalists that litter the Earth today.
Not to mention that America was founded upon Judeo-Christian values and the words “In God We Trust” are found in reference to America not just in historical documents but numerous other places as well.
I do not like the powerful lobbyists anymore than you do as it seems that We the People have been replaced in our government by these parasitic lobbyists. And I can do without the Hillsdale “surveys” that hit my email Inbox a few times every day! (Really, I think the purpose of these emails is to fund-raise so I don’t blame them for trying since Hillsdale’s existence is dependent upon donors.)
And I will say that Christianity has always been attacked throughout history but the more recent attacks stem from those who would rather us all worship the powerful elite, the government, the latest cultural fad, or Satan himself. No thanks.
I will reference Jack Phillips, the Christian Colorado cake maker who’s defense of his Christian beliefs took him all the way to the Supreme Court, with his thankful victory in June 2018. A clear case of infringement upon his freedom of expression and religion.
And the persecution of peaceful Christian protestors outside abortion centers by the potentially unConstitutional FACE Act. Paul Vaughn, a Christian pro-life father of 11, whose family was subjected to a traumatizing pre-dawn raid by the federal Dept of (in)Justice in October 2022 and was subsequently tried in a court of law (his case is still being appealed) over his non-violent protest…is just one such example.
I have no words on Mark Robinson, other than because he is a black Republican…the haters will hate him no matter what…and I take any “news” about him with a grain of salt because the bias is overwhelming.
The only “Judeo-Christian” value that the political system of the United States contained at its formation is slavery; and fortunately that was eliminated. People who think that the constitution of the United States was at all derived from biblical values clearly have not bothered to read the Tanakh or the New Testament.
I have been a long-time admirer of Hillsdale College and agree with your sentiments; however, Grove City College & Liberty University quickly come to mind as other conservative institutions.
Yes, both Grove City College and Liberty University are also noteworthy conservative institutions. However, Hillsdale College has been termed a “conservative Harvard” as it is very selective in its admittance…with a 21% acceptance rate and selective test scores/GPA levels. Liberty College has a 99% acceptance rate and is deemed one of the most easiest colleges to get into within America. Grove City College has a 71% acceptance rate, so it is slightly more picky when it comes down to who they will admit.
I would claim that due to Hillsdale’s status as a smart-kid conservative school…it is prone to much hate from within the mainstream world for their views and actively conservative well-known published professors. Most other smart-kid colleges in America are insulated from this type of hate, since they are “bastions” of the approved propaganda of leftist thought.
Hillsdale College in southwestern Michigan is the ONLY true conservative-leaning college in America. Period.
So if someone were to label it as a “bastion of conservative thought” then might not the opposite be true?
Every other single solitary college in America is a “bastion of leftist thought”?
Also, Hillsdale does “reject federal funding” and that is a BONUS…not having to be beholden to the federal government…is a wonderful thing! And guess what, their privately-funded endowments allow for scholarship monies completely free from federal government strings.
Also, Hillsdale was the first American college to prohibit in its charter any discrimination based on race, religion, or sex, and became an early force for the abolition of slavery. It was also the second college in the nation to grant four-year liberal arts degrees to women.
And, because of Hillsdale College’s anti-slavery reputation and its role in founding the new Republican party (Professor Edmund Fairfield was a leader at the first convention), many notable speakers visited its campus during the Civil War era, including Frederick Douglass and Edward Everett, who preceded Lincoln at Gettysburg.
(Hillsdale.edu for reference here)
Sometimes, there is more to a story than what is printed…
unfortunately, it like the Republican party, has deteriorated into a bastion of Christian nationalism with a deeply internalized persecution complex more focused on a reactionary Christian culture war than the founding principles of the Party of Lincoln. Many so-called "conservatives" in the US are really radical reactionaries and (like many democrats) corporatists who will throw the people under the bus for the sake of powerful lobbyists. The surveys Hillsdale has been sending out are just filled with ridiculous questions. Not scientific in any way, very clearly trying to gain evidence of or influence survey takers toward pre-formed opinions of Christian persecution.
Christianity does have its struggles, but its more of the kind of the Mark Robinson belligerent hypocrite than any infringement upon freedom of expression or religion.
The term “Christian nationalism” has a negative connotation in the mainstream world today. But I much prefer that over the Satan-worshipping globalists that litter the Earth today.
Not to mention that America was founded upon Judeo-Christian values and the words “In God We Trust” are found in reference to America not just in historical documents but numerous other places as well.
I do not like the powerful lobbyists anymore than you do as it seems that We the People have been replaced in our government by these parasitic lobbyists. And I can do without the Hillsdale “surveys” that hit my email Inbox a few times every day! (Really, I think the purpose of these emails is to fund-raise so I don’t blame them for trying since Hillsdale’s existence is dependent upon donors.)
And I will say that Christianity has always been attacked throughout history but the more recent attacks stem from those who would rather us all worship the powerful elite, the government, the latest cultural fad, or Satan himself. No thanks.
I will reference Jack Phillips, the Christian Colorado cake maker who’s defense of his Christian beliefs took him all the way to the Supreme Court, with his thankful victory in June 2018. A clear case of infringement upon his freedom of expression and religion.
And the persecution of peaceful Christian protestors outside abortion centers by the potentially unConstitutional FACE Act. Paul Vaughn, a Christian pro-life father of 11, whose family was subjected to a traumatizing pre-dawn raid by the federal Dept of (in)Justice in October 2022 and was subsequently tried in a court of law (his case is still being appealed) over his non-violent protest…is just one such example.
I have no words on Mark Robinson, other than because he is a black Republican…the haters will hate him no matter what…and I take any “news” about him with a grain of salt because the bias is overwhelming.
The only “Judeo-Christian” value that the political system of the United States contained at its formation is slavery; and fortunately that was eliminated. People who think that the constitution of the United States was at all derived from biblical values clearly have not bothered to read the Tanakh or the New Testament.
I have been a long-time admirer of Hillsdale College and agree with your sentiments; however, Grove City College & Liberty University quickly come to mind as other conservative institutions.
Yes, both Grove City College and Liberty University are also noteworthy conservative institutions. However, Hillsdale College has been termed a “conservative Harvard” as it is very selective in its admittance…with a 21% acceptance rate and selective test scores/GPA levels. Liberty College has a 99% acceptance rate and is deemed one of the most easiest colleges to get into within America. Grove City College has a 71% acceptance rate, so it is slightly more picky when it comes down to who they will admit.
I would claim that due to Hillsdale’s status as a smart-kid conservative school…it is prone to much hate from within the mainstream world for their views and actively conservative well-known published professors. Most other smart-kid colleges in America are insulated from this type of hate, since they are “bastions” of the approved propaganda of leftist thought.