My wild ride through these words kept me spinning when I hit upon:

"Race is never specific enough. That is the failure of racism, of all racial ideologies and racial theories. It doesn’t fit. Yet for perverse incentives in crooked markets, we find racialization profitable. Most of us recognize that it is morally dubious. I believe it is unsustainable. That is why I am on the verge of being a non-racial absolutist." Hmm. If I could sing, which I can't, I would riff on "non-racial absolutist." And yes to the six principles.

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Beautifully written and expressed and communicated and humanized. Tha was something special, thank you.

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Hold up, can we talk about this dislike of Guru?!?! As the kids say, that has me "shook!" [insert laughing emoji]

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I sincerely thank you for this.

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This just made my day. I will share this with friends and they will simply ignore it and just say I'm being racist...LoL

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Beautiful and brilliant! Pushed me over the edge such that I finally got off my ass and became a paid subscriber. This article and Erec's recent interview on Meghan Daum's The Unspeakable podcast pushed me. Well done, gentlemen.

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Amen, my human brother.

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What do you mean by "Kobe’s Distance?"

I searched Bing: this source was the only one visible out of umpteen million "results;" searched Google: no results; then DuckDuckGo: one result, this one.

I went on Yandex and almost all the first page was the Japanese city of Kobe's distance from various places and its exact co-ordinates, perhaps ominously. Like Google this essay weren't found.

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Kobe Bryant as insiders know, had a hell of a work ethic. He would start practice at 5AM and basically go three practices a day through the entire off-season. If you're not doing Kobe level work, no matter how much skill you have, after a couple years, you're never going to catch up. Kobe's Distance is how far Kobe would go beyond 10,000 hours. Full tilt until you die alone.

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