Sep 16Liked by Free Black Thought

I agree, in general. but wonder if it's really stereotyping when we're talking about culture, especially that of another country? Immigrants bring their cultures with them. Over the last couple of centuries we've learned and embraced other cultures because they aren't against our own Western values. In other instances, we've had to fight cultures that are in opposition to our own.

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Sep 17Liked by Free Black Thought

I don't think what you said is in disagreement with the writer

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Sep 16Liked by Free Black Thought

I remember a TV ad for a real estate seminar in which the speaker stated something close to "watch what the unsuccessful people do and then don't do that." A culture in which women are considered inferior to others--read Sura 2:228--is an inferior culture.

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Sep 17Liked by Free Black Thought

The origins of the ku klux klan burning crosses came from the Celtics.

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Sep 17Liked by Free Black Thought

Like the Antebellum Southern "cracker culture" that emanated from the old cracker culture in Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland? For example, castration was practiced during mutual combat.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Free Black Thought

I agree! Trump makes me so mad when he makes wild and irresponsible statements like he did in the debate about eating cats. There was one report of a mentally deranged person far from Springfield who ate a cat, but that isn't relevant. Even if his statement was true, people who don't like him in the first place will take it the wrong way, especially when it is said in such a nasty tone.

People from a different culture probably can't understand why a duck or a goose should not be eaten. Why not?! Ducks and geese are good food! In Haitian Voodoo, animal sacrifices are real, but that was not what Trump was referring to.

What was unfair though, was that the moderators continually fact checked Trump, although they were wrong in what they said, and then allowed Kamala's deceitful lies to stand. Those of us who are interested in searching it out will be safe, but a lot of people just hear what was said and never seek the truth. It is the rhetoric that wins with most people, not the facts.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Free Black Thought

YES! Blaming an entire group is never the answer. Culture is an important factor, but you can't talk about a culture you don't know entirely. Haitians who do that practice Voodoo, not all Haitians do though. I know culturally Venezuelans are a certain way, but I'm an individual and I don't do everything my culture does. The individual is the most important minority and we should remember to protect that minority.

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Sep 17Liked by Free Black Thought

Thank you

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Sep 16Liked by Free Black Thought

I point readers to an essay authored by Walter Williams titled "Non-politically Correct Thinking."

It was no less than Jesse Jackson who once stated the following “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” That would be the very same Jesse Jackson who got caught saying on a hot mic that he would like to cut Obama's nuts off for talking down to black people. It isn't talking down to anyone to point out that fathers matter. When more than 50% of black children are raised in single-parents home it is fair to ask "is that now part of the culture?" Obama's famous but controversial "Father's Day Speech" was on the money.

Asian-Americans are crushing it in the U.S. Logic dictates we should acknowledge that cultural traits more prevalent in that culture explain the comparatively excellent achievement.

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Why would anyone have a "preferred identity group"? If you want to get serious we need to drop this as a thing.

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I haven't heard anyone make blanket statements about Haitians with talking about this issue. Haitians do eat cats. It's a fact. Are recent immigrants doing it here now during a time when we've had the floodgates open to any and all comers? Very plausible, and it's an example of why any nation needs to control its borders and the flow of people coming and going. It's also reasonable to not want to import cultural practices we find unacceptable. This is not the top issue, but it's yet another example of the seemingly deliberate destruction of the country and its commonly held values, so it deserves mention. Of course it's being misconstrued by corporate media who runs cover for the regime. No surprise there.

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If you haven't heard blanket statements then you haven't been listening to Trump or JD Vance at all. "Fascist Marxist Communist Vermin" sometimes all in one breath. JD Vance claims that there's no proof that there's no proof. Well, the same can be said about his sexual relationships with couches.

"Haitians do eat cats. It's a fact." 1. Based on what evidence? 2. In what context? (ie, Haiti is a struggling nation and people will eat ANYTHING to survive when they are legit starving, that doesn't mean it's a preferred food or even a part of their culture)

The woman who put the FB post up took it down because she didn't have evidence to support it.

"Plausible," based on what reasoning or information? Local police already investigated. Think about it for just one second: Why would people move somewhere to escape trouble only to deliberately cause trouble and scare the people there? It makes no sense. There's already a lot of scrutiny on newcomers.

"Seemingly-deliberate destruction of the country" based on what? What about the fact that those Haitians are there LEGALLY because they are filling jobs that others don't want to do? What about the fact that Trump and Vance have not denounced the KKK/Proud Boys or bomb threats, but still double down on the lies? What about the fact that these claims have already been investigated by local law enforcement? Yes the influx of legal immigrants contributing to the local economy is causing challenges eg with driving laws, safety and infrastructure, but Trump/Vance aren't highlighting the REAL challenges. Instead they are making baseless claims to distract from the real issues and demonize people who don't deserve to be demonized.

I agree we need border controls (Trump torpedo'd that bill), but it sounds like MAGA is rotting your brain with disinformation and you're top seed in the race to the bottom of the brainstem. Just because the corporate media has major issues doesn't mean that Trump and Vance are paragons of truth. They are full of BS and spewing it everywhere they go. Far far worse than the corporate media (believe me I'd never thought I'd say that, but here we are, strange times). This isn't a left vs right issue. This is a democracy vs autocracy issue, and MAGA/Trump is just another front in the global struggle.

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