Thank you for this lucid piece, reminding us of the ideals of the United States. As a vet, I pledged to defend these ideals with my very life if necessary and I would gladly do so today. I think that all classical liberals need to stick together in this fight to defend Establishment values regardless of political party. This is a non-par…
Thank you for this lucid piece, reminding us of the ideals of the United States. As a vet, I pledged to defend these ideals with my very life if necessary and I would gladly do so today. I think that all classical liberals need to stick together in this fight to defend Establishment values regardless of political party. This is a non-partisan fight for the core values of the country. Every experiment with collectivism that has even been tried on the planet has caused great harm to millions because concentrated power warps the human psyche in a way that is toxic and highly dysfunctional.
It requires maturity, wisdom, and much effort to knit together a fractious plurality of individuals into a cohesive whole whilst retaining individual liberty. But, when it works, it allows people to exercise agency and autonomy in a way that maximizes happiness for all.
Those who dream of top-down collectivism to achieve specific ends are impatient and wish to do an end-run around human failings—to coerce their ideals in a way that suffocates individual liberty. I understand this desire but it will never end well because humans who hold absolute power over a collective always jump the shark—almost without exception. I don't wish to live under tyrants who think it is their prerogative to decide what I may believe or say, what I may do and who I may associate with.
Thank you for this cogent reminder of our core values. Let freedom ring!
Thank you for this lucid piece, reminding us of the ideals of the United States. As a vet, I pledged to defend these ideals with my very life if necessary and I would gladly do so today. I think that all classical liberals need to stick together in this fight to defend Establishment values regardless of political party. This is a non-partisan fight for the core values of the country. Every experiment with collectivism that has even been tried on the planet has caused great harm to millions because concentrated power warps the human psyche in a way that is toxic and highly dysfunctional.
It requires maturity, wisdom, and much effort to knit together a fractious plurality of individuals into a cohesive whole whilst retaining individual liberty. But, when it works, it allows people to exercise agency and autonomy in a way that maximizes happiness for all.
Those who dream of top-down collectivism to achieve specific ends are impatient and wish to do an end-run around human failings—to coerce their ideals in a way that suffocates individual liberty. I understand this desire but it will never end well because humans who hold absolute power over a collective always jump the shark—almost without exception. I don't wish to live under tyrants who think it is their prerogative to decide what I may believe or say, what I may do and who I may associate with.
Thank you for this cogent reminder of our core values. Let freedom ring!