Thank you for taking a stand, Tabia. Toxic ideas have metastasized throughout academia. Harvard is the most demoralized DIEvy League university: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-get-into-harvard-part-3

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Thank you for shining a light, Yuri!

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I, like others here, applaud you for staying true to what should be the real goal of DEI...bringing people together, not bludgeoning some to the cheers of others. All in the face of atrocious name-calling, Salem-style witch hunting for wrong-thought/speak and subjugation of your individuality. In this era of throwing out the word 'brave' too easily, you are a true practitioner. Thank you.

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It's amazing that you have remained so level-headed when subjected to such horrible treatment. I belong to one group of people who have been not only lax is fighting DEI, but at times our institutions have supported anti-Semitic actions. I am referring to Gay Jews. Although I write a twice weekly column and often speak out against Wokeism, the ADL insisted that the White House included Jews as part of DEI -- which requires reducing the number of Jewish college students and faculty! I often contact my local Jewish leaders, but I realize that they are too cowardly to do squat. I know that they see the danger to the Jewish people, but they are complacent. Now that over a thousand Jews have been slaughtered in Israel, they are unprepared. They have followed a policy of Chamberlianism for so long, they really don't know what to do.

To be clear, the Woke do NOT speak for Gays either. The woke agenda is 100% against Gay Rights which are based on the individual inalienable right of Liberty including respect for Gays and Gays respect for others. Lawrence vs. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

Thank you for writing so eloquently.

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Thank you, Rick. You may also want to check out the social media of Matthew Nouriel, a panelist at the Jewish Inclusion and Antisemitism Summit that I facilitated at De Anza College last Winter. You can view a video of the session and more information about the Summit at: https://sites.google.com/view/deanzalearnsantisemitism/home

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Thank you! Palestinian lives and Jewish lives are both of equal value, and both peoples have a right to be free of the ongoing terrorism from Israel/Israeli settlers and Hamas respectively.

Sadly, this enlightened balance is lacking almost everywhere.

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Define Israeli settlers. I think you mean any Jew who lives in Israel. Be precise. Fuzziness masks genocidal ideology

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I would suggest you educate yourself on the meaning of the term 'settler' which is a well-defined one and means Jewish people on land not part of the 1947 UN resolution, which has been forcibly taken from a Palestinian.

And its pretty clear that it is Zionism that is the genocidal ideology

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Paulette is a bigoted jerk

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Tabia, thank you so much for being so outspoken about the true colors of CSJ in general and DEI in particular. I used your example in my recent essay about the dangers of this ideology and the existential need to resist it:


We must fight against this toxic ideology.

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Anna, Thank you for this amazing resource. I particularly love this part:

"4. Focus on truth, not partisanship. Do not fear verbal attacks.

When you take on CSJ, there is something you will need to come to terms with: you are going to be called names, and your views and beliefs are going to be distorted and misrepresented. These are standard tactics of the CSJ movement. Since the adherents of CSJ have adopted an ideological, rather than a rational, worldview, they cannot rationally defend it; so they use the only tools they have: personal attacks and strawman arguments. They will call you transphobe, racist, misogynist, alt-right, Nazi, etc., no matter what you say or do. They will use deliberate misrepresentation of your expressions to subvert and discredit them [98]. They will use the “Motte and Bailey” trick [144] to derail conversations. Learn about these tactics so that you can anticipate, recognize, and counter them [98]."

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Wise advice in these times.

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Thank you. It’s heartening to hear any non-Jews speak publicly about this. I hope your words have a positive impact on others.

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Tabia you are also very formidable in video interviews.

The counter woke movement desperately needs to improve its messaging we are losing horribly. Where are the national think tanks? I need to join them. I'm sitting on a wealth of original anti-woke material.

Thanks for any leads. Please pass my contact info on to them also if you wish.


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Man I knew that doctors were limited but this takes that reality to a whole new level - lower level that is - well as we know doctors have always been trained to feel that they know better than the rest of us - including on subjects they know nothing about - DEI seems to be just another step in that continuum. Unfortunate that a new generation of health providers is being indoctrinated in this awful ideology

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Different people are increasingly reacting to competitive forces in similar ways. What’s happening on the left is not at all unlike what’s been happening on the right despite obvious visible, ideological, musical, clothing, or cultural difference. It’s not surprising that superficial conflicting values (such as social status, social achievement, and charity) are causing groups to react in strategically confusing ways. It’s no more surprising to me to see that the most “selflessly woke” bohemians need to inhabit the most competitive schools, competing for the most competitive jobs, in the most desirable cities - no more confusing than it is to hear the most “god-fearing, liberty-loving, law-abiding” provincials celebrate 80s-style corporatism, political lawlessness, unabashed book bans, speech-curtailing, religious and cultural identitarianism, and a slew of generally backward, illiberal policy agenda. The right seems to celebrate their own weakness “before god and country” while the left curate, cherish, camouflage, and distain the disgust of their own identity before a growing mob of social condemnation and judgement. Anyone who thinks wokeness is reserved for the sheepish of the Left has never spent much time truly watching, listening to the Right.

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Agreed, I really appreciate David Livingstone Smith's recent essay on "Lethal Antisemitism: Why White Supremacists are Cheerleaders for Hamas" - It's simply amazing how much White National Socialists have in common with "progressive" Critical Social Justice activists at this moment in human history; the talking points of the far-left and the far-right are rock solid and united in their anti-Semitism. Smith's article is available at: https://open.substack.com/pub/davidlivingstonesmith/p/lethal-antisemitism?r=v5sbz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The theme of “enemy of my enemy” goes deep, far, and wide to understand basic motives in humanity over millennia. The need to digress into yesterday’s religious dogma is unnecessary despite some truly awful traditions that are reflected in certain social media memes throughout the right-wing diaspora that are still, frankly, alien to the vast majority of Americans these days. To see just how perverted the “my enemy” heuristic has made the Right, we need look no further than the trials of Trump. Watching countless elite children shame each other in a never-ending, existential battle to remain relevant and (one step ahead of their uncool parents) is no different. Clearly, what drives various Middle East dogma will forever remain a mystery for the disinterested Americans until they find themselves in the front-line, be it on those foreign shores or perhaps one day in their own front yard at which point they will quickly recall who their friends are, never mind the enemy of their enemies.

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Excellent. God bless you! 🙏🌼🙏

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Dr. Gabor Mate is a holocaust survivor that hits the nail on the head when it comes to this issue. If you are not familiar with his work, please watch this short video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lP9HiHsmSRrU/

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Thank you Tabia, a righteous and brilliant woman.

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Hi, Tabia. Why do I keep reading about Israel on this site?

I listened to your presentation on episode three and I was enthralled by it. Not only is it a disturbingly compelling narrative (and one which contains many echoes of what happened to me), you are a charismatic speaker. I am grateful for your part in founding Free Black Thought and for Connie establishing this podcast.

What you reported about key times for meetings and gathering being set to coincide with Jewish holy days is to me unconscionable. I take great issue with this whole WhiteCoats4BlackLives thingee because if they get the society they dream of, many of them will be among the first casualties of the new regime. Many of the Social media comments their members made, which you include in your post, are wildly inaccurate. But there are one or two that resonate with me.

Firing rockets into pockets of innocent people is all kinds of depravity and not a natural consequence of oppression. But the moral destitution of being locked away in this occupied land does, indeed, produce certain overpowering feeling. Just like the United States government overran and terrorized American Indian peoples, including my Cherokee ancestors. The Cherokee and many other Indian nations have claim to this land which the United States blithely discarded. We recognize this now as a travesty of injustice; how do we allow this in the Middle East?

Hamas and Gazans are two separate entities, with tragic overlap. Israel must root out Hamas, not Gazans. Israel must allow and facilitate Gazans to emigrate. And Israel must treat Gazans as their neighbors and brothers. Their commitment to Elohim and Elohim's charge to His chosen nation to be kind and accountable to the nations of this world demands no less. To set this aside is a damnable offense.

"The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 19:34

"Then Abraham said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy Sodom.” Genesis 18:32

On a lighter note, thanks for teaching me two new words: femme and carceral. And anti-Semitism includes rejection of Arabs, since they too are Semitic peoples. At least that's how I understand the word.

Peace, Tabia. Be good to yourself.

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Hamas and Gaza are two separate entities? Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, is committed to the destruction of Israel and just launched a terrorist attack and is facing retribution. How do you think Israel should deal with Hamas?

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Land is not occupied. Except by Hamas.

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Brief and to the point. Also wrong. Many innocents are living there, which adds urgency to my point. Israel must act to protect them and lift them up. How is it your ignored the scripture I quoted, God's injunction to his chosen people?

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What occupied land are you talking about? Wtf? Who has onligstyin go lift up their murderers? Do you?

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Friend, why are you cursing? And you typed and posted so quickly, you typed letters that are truthfully a mystery to me. Please, we need to communicate, so help me understand.

The Gazans living under the terror of Hamas are not murderers. It's much too convenient to call them such, because who needs to think against enemies so depraved?

And have I acted to save people at risk from others living in their households, at my own personal risk?

Yes. Yes I have.

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Very grateful for your words and your work.

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Thank you, Tabia.

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Thank you.

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