Thomas Sowell! Thomas Sowell?!??!

Haha, OK. Good conversation.

A lot of the problems in healthcare discussed here are manifestations of the nationalization of healthcare. Nationalization, a core Democratic Party aspiration, can trace its general roots to FDR, but healthcare nationalization specifically really took off under Obama with Obamacare. And if you look around, every nationalized general-public ("universal") service eventually becomes dragged down in quality, turbocharged with corruption, tarnished by mistrust among the public and cynicism among providers, and bloated in costs. That's why nowadays in more and more parts of the country, when you walk into healthcare, you will be "seen" not by a doctor who knows you and your history, but by a troupe of different physician attendants, different nurse practitioners, and different doctors, each spending just a few minutes in the room, not so much with you as with your charts. This is the future of nationalized, mass healthcare.

The problem with nationalized healthcare is that it will as surely go broke as nationalized pension ("social security"). At first, governments deal with this by rationing. In UK, you could spend a year with toothache before you get to see a dentist, and Minnesota is full of Canadians crossing the border for privately-paid healthcare. The ultimate bail-out, as more and more countries are finding out, is government-paid euthanasia, most notoriously implemented in Canada (MAID law), the country with the highest euthanasia rate in the world, with over 13,000 euthanasias in 2023. Yep, that's where our nationalized healthcare is taking us.

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Absolutely right, George.

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Thank you for speaking up and speaking out, Nikki. Sitting in SoCal, I see firsthand what a porous border does to our (citizens) healthcare... It's such a difficult situation.

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