In other countries (such as the UK), liberal muslims are often threatened by sunni islamists over what liberal muslims say in public.

Does this happen in the USA to liberal muslims?

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What does the religion of "social justice" mean in practice?

Isn't this mentality (which has been exported by young Americans to young people all over the world) one of the main reasons why the African economy has deteriorated since the 1960s and 1970s?

Africa has three times as many people living in absolute poverty now (to just under 500 million) than Africa did in 1980.

When will the toxic saviorism stop?

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I grew up in the Moorish Science Temple (MST). MST members were told they were Muslims and that they were to learn Islam as an alternative to traditional Christianity. I note that sister Fatima does not mention MST and its founder Noble Drew Ali. MST actually preceded the establishment of the NOI. In fact, Elijah was originally a member of the MST.

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