Loved reading this conversation. Thank you.

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This was a REALLY helpful post! Thank you so much for including it. I've got friends with autistic children who've really been burned by the various features of "the system" that you discuss. I'll definitely be sharing this with them.

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Your descriptive experience was stunning and overwhelming from someone on the outside peering in. It's as if Kafka, Orwell, Vonnegut & Dr. Suess collaborated on a 21st century Clockwork Orange. Thank you (?) for your insight and for exposing the rot and how deep it's got.

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This is fantastic. Thank you!

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Sensible, rich, informative, helpful. Thank you!

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WPATH's gender affirmation is ideological because it is based upon an unscientific supernaturalist concept of 'self' as 'a ghost in the machine', i.e., as a supernatural entity ("spirit" or "soul") residing in a natural autonomous biological robot.

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Great conversation. WPATH advocates conversion therapy from being a physically healthy gay child to ersatz straight child. Hideous. Glad you speak out.

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If only we had a word to describe the class of “people with a penis” and “people who produce sperm”.

Thank you for sharing.

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