You are spot on, the progressive left are the mirror image of the old religious right -- censorious, intolerant moral busybodies who think it’s their job to determine how everyone else can think, feel and act. I don’t know how the left went from “sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, free speech and sticking it to the man” to “censorship and servile obedience to government authority” but sadly here we are. Orwell had it right when he said the real conflict is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between libertarians and authoritarians. As a Gen X’er myself I now resist the authoritarianism of the progressive left just like I resisted the authoritarianism of the religious right.

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Thank you for reading. Odd how the pendulum has swung. In my youth, I never would have expected a time when Orwell, yes Orwell's ideas are considered taboo. I really don't think the hysteria mongers realize whose mantle they've chosen, whose agenda they're promoting. It's why I wrote this, with the hope of reframing the issue of free expression with the actual history.

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^^^^This!! You hit the nail on the head. Thank you.

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I found this pretty well written, with a healthy helping of history. I might not agree with everything this Person says but I will certainly read it with an op[en mind. well done. Stay Calm, Stay Well, and Carry On!

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Thank you for reading. We don't have to agree on everything, or anything, as long we actually think and discuss.

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Wow. You've helped to understand myself with this piece. I took for granted the wealth of free expression that was culturally dominant as I came of age in the early 80s. I so resonate to your cogent, rebellious exposition. Thank you! I've been aghast as the transition to identarianism showed our country to be filled with prissy puritans of the worst kind. Who ARE these people and where the hell did they come from? I thought we had put paid to the old religious right. Jeez Louise.

I was stationed (US ARMY) in Germany from 89 - 91 and was there when the Wall fell. And I was proud of it. I thought the world was moving in the right direction. I was proud of a country that championed enlightenment values and that was slowly and imperfectly moving toward a reality that was more inclusive, more diverse, more colorful and creative. We were creating something unique in the world - a pluralistic culture that worked; one where sectarianism didn't have the upper hand; one that was driven by a yearning to be free from the arbitrary fetters imposed by our "betters."

I've been considering subscribing to support this substack and your piece just convinced me. You have a powerful, dissenting, AMERICAN voice and definitely plan to read everything you write going forward. Thank you for your contribution.

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Thank you. I'm re-assured that there are still some of us who value free expression out there. I know people who don't and I wrote this in part because I realized their perspective is becoming the norm. It's chilling. We can't let them reframe this ideal in such a derogatory way.

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Absolutely. Purity politics sucks.

You know, I get the f'n anger. I really do. Bad shit happened in this country. Really bad shit that crushed people's souls and lives. And we do have to work to fix that (real work - not bloviating). But this hate and derision and mobbing is not going to get us where we need to go. Beware of impatient utopians. ;-)

Substitute terf, cis, karen, racist or whatever term is popular at the moment for the "out-group" labels used in the lyrics in the song below and it becomes strangely contemporary. And chilling, as you say.

In The Flesh

(Pink Floyd, Roger Waters)

So ya

Thought ya

Might like to

Go to the show.

To feel that warm thrill of confusion,

That space cadet glow.

I've got some bad news for you sunshine,

Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel

And they sent us along as a surrogate band

We're gonna find out where you fans* really stand.

Are there any queers in the theater tonight?

Get them up against the wall!

There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me,

Get him up against the wall!

That one looks Jewish!

And that one's a coon!

Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?

There's one smoking a joint,

And another with spots!

If I had my way,

I'd have all of you shot!


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Thank you for writing this. It's a crucial subject, and you've made a strong statement.

History matters.

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Thanks for the trip down memory lane. It squares well w/ my recall and your framing of it rings true. Keep up the good work!

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It is a kind of nostalgia for the days when free speech wasn't viewed with such suspicion.

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Exactly. B/c back-in-the-day the way forward seemed like something open-ended and self-determined instead of a limited choice between narrow orthodoxies that rest on an ever shifting bed of political expedients.

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Well done. Nobody should self censor or be censored.

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And no one should be vilified for daring to say, in this climate, they feel the need to self-censor.

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True, and I don't think I've ever vilified anyone for doing so. However, it is very sad and detrimental that anyone should feel that need. It stifles civil discourse.

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Right. I was referring to the tendency in some camps to lambast those who self-censor and point out that we're encouraged to self-censor. The responses to Emma Camp's op-ed, for example. Very stifling.

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Nice. Learned a lot about the Gen-Xers. TYTY.

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Thank you. I guess we Gen X-ers have been written about a lot, but not enough.

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It's more they don't let me out much. ;)

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Represent the (old) 312! Depose the Central Scrutinizer!

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Really liked this piece. You should reach out to Meghan Daum who also wrote an anthem to Gen-X. Keep up the great work.

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