This is a thousand percent accurate. It is the essence of the Declaration of Independence that each individual has inalienable rights including Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, but the Declaration goes beyond that. It says the only legitimate government is one that secures these inalienable rights to all. The Declaration was an …
This is a thousand percent accurate. It is the essence of the Declaration of Independence that each individual has inalienable rights including Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, but the Declaration goes beyond that. It says the only legitimate government is one that secures these inalienable rights to all. The Declaration was an explicit denial that any individual may be defined by race, religion, nationality or by any other ascriptive status. No individual has more or better inalienable rights that any other individual. That is the sole meaning of "equal" of the Declaration's phrase, "all men are created equal." ["men" did not mean male]
This founding principle was necessary because the entire world was divided in subgroups and an individual's rights were defined by the class, religion, race into which he/she was born. The Declaration set forth the core value of the new nation "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Abe Lincoln 1863 Gettysburg Address
Later, Americans developed the notion of the Melting Pot and then said Salad Bowl, but the meaning was the same -- We are all one in the public sphere, but in our private lives were are free to have our own cultures. The various cultures from around the world are irrelevant to an individual's inalienable rights. In the late 1950's and 1960's, we were making great progress in making the core value of individual inalienable rights into reality. The notion of White Supremacy was in great retreat. To a great extent, Nazism and genocide of non-Aryans including Jews and Gypsies had made the idea that one "race" was superior an anathema.
The Civil Rights Movement was one of advancing Liberty with MLK's I Have A Dream Speech becoming the most eloquent statement of the Declaration.
Then something went horribly wrong -- it was a cultural car wreck. Insanity seized control of the nation and Liberty was thrown away and in its place rose Equality. Rather than advance each person's inalienable rights, we segregated ourselves into certain groups and started measuring equality of outcome. Once a nation adopts the notion of Equality and the need to measure each each against each other group, each person become locked into his/her group. Although conservative White Supremacy was essentially dead, the Democrats invented a new form of White Supremacy. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians would be measured by how well they were doing in comparison with Whites. The Democrats placed Whites as the highest and best. Integration was discouraged as they wanted to measure minorities against White achievements. Then, the Democrats started to eliminate poor performing Whites from measurement, e.g., Appalachian Whites, as well as kicking out high achieving minorities from Affirmative Action, e.g., Asians.
Money was raised based not only how well Blacks were doing but rather on how poorly they were doing. The individual ceased to exist and the concept of freedom/liberty was trashed. Blacks had to stay poor and contained in order for the fundraising to continue. We are much worse as a nation today than we were in the mid-1960's where a majority of the nation was focused on individual character and people associating on the basis of person-to-person relationship and not based on to which group we belonged. There was great hope in those days among Whites that MLK's dream was close at hand. But, there is no money in integration, but there are billions of dollars to be made from fear and hate of other groups.
I made a typo. I wrote "Money was raised based not only how well Blacks were doing but rather on how poorly they were doing." I mean to write, "Money was raised NOT based how well Blacks were doing but rather on how poorly they were doing."
This is a thousand percent accurate. It is the essence of the Declaration of Independence that each individual has inalienable rights including Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, but the Declaration goes beyond that. It says the only legitimate government is one that secures these inalienable rights to all. The Declaration was an explicit denial that any individual may be defined by race, religion, nationality or by any other ascriptive status. No individual has more or better inalienable rights that any other individual. That is the sole meaning of "equal" of the Declaration's phrase, "all men are created equal." ["men" did not mean male]
This founding principle was necessary because the entire world was divided in subgroups and an individual's rights were defined by the class, religion, race into which he/she was born. The Declaration set forth the core value of the new nation "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Abe Lincoln 1863 Gettysburg Address
Later, Americans developed the notion of the Melting Pot and then said Salad Bowl, but the meaning was the same -- We are all one in the public sphere, but in our private lives were are free to have our own cultures. The various cultures from around the world are irrelevant to an individual's inalienable rights. In the late 1950's and 1960's, we were making great progress in making the core value of individual inalienable rights into reality. The notion of White Supremacy was in great retreat. To a great extent, Nazism and genocide of non-Aryans including Jews and Gypsies had made the idea that one "race" was superior an anathema.
The Civil Rights Movement was one of advancing Liberty with MLK's I Have A Dream Speech becoming the most eloquent statement of the Declaration.
Then something went horribly wrong -- it was a cultural car wreck. Insanity seized control of the nation and Liberty was thrown away and in its place rose Equality. Rather than advance each person's inalienable rights, we segregated ourselves into certain groups and started measuring equality of outcome. Once a nation adopts the notion of Equality and the need to measure each each against each other group, each person become locked into his/her group. Although conservative White Supremacy was essentially dead, the Democrats invented a new form of White Supremacy. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians would be measured by how well they were doing in comparison with Whites. The Democrats placed Whites as the highest and best. Integration was discouraged as they wanted to measure minorities against White achievements. Then, the Democrats started to eliminate poor performing Whites from measurement, e.g., Appalachian Whites, as well as kicking out high achieving minorities from Affirmative Action, e.g., Asians.
Money was raised based not only how well Blacks were doing but rather on how poorly they were doing. The individual ceased to exist and the concept of freedom/liberty was trashed. Blacks had to stay poor and contained in order for the fundraising to continue. We are much worse as a nation today than we were in the mid-1960's where a majority of the nation was focused on individual character and people associating on the basis of person-to-person relationship and not based on to which group we belonged. There was great hope in those days among Whites that MLK's dream was close at hand. But, there is no money in integration, but there are billions of dollars to be made from fear and hate of other groups. April 8, 2021, CityWatch, Hate Money Stalks America, April 8, 2021, CityWatch, Hate Money Stalks America,
I made a typo. I wrote "Money was raised based not only how well Blacks were doing but rather on how poorly they were doing." I mean to write, "Money was raised NOT based how well Blacks were doing but rather on how poorly they were doing."