For those of us who understand both biological evolution and cultural evolution, and who reject Identity Politics, it is amazing how simple fact and history have overlooked the fact that despite race, ethnic and religious groups, all of us are part of American culture. We share just about everything with everyone else! All the subcategor…
For those of us who understand both biological evolution and cultural evolution, and who reject Identity Politics, it is amazing how simple fact and history have overlooked the fact that despite race, ethnic and religious groups, all of us are part of American culture. We share just about everything with everyone else! All the subcategories and varieties of how we live (arts, food,
consumerism, health, education, economic, etc.) in no way overcome the fact that we have all ingested a way of life and way of thinking that is American. This applies to all classes and races.
It is this larger culture that we overlook when we issue blame and when minorities claim
victimization. These "victims" of "white privilege" contribute as much invective, guilt,
recriminations as is inflicted on them. They pollute equally. They evoke anger equally. And they reject the very values and institutions that have protected them and enabled dissent, while ignoring the real sources of inequality and disastrous environmental policies (whose consequences seem ot no interest to them). Saving the planet is not in their plans. Somehow is is as American as apple pie.
They are in this respect the same as those they accuse of oppressing them.
For those of us who understand both biological evolution and cultural evolution, and who reject Identity Politics, it is amazing how simple fact and history have overlooked the fact that despite race, ethnic and religious groups, all of us are part of American culture. We share just about everything with everyone else! All the subcategories and varieties of how we live (arts, food,
consumerism, health, education, economic, etc.) in no way overcome the fact that we have all ingested a way of life and way of thinking that is American. This applies to all classes and races.
It is this larger culture that we overlook when we issue blame and when minorities claim
victimization. These "victims" of "white privilege" contribute as much invective, guilt,
recriminations as is inflicted on them. They pollute equally. They evoke anger equally. And they reject the very values and institutions that have protected them and enabled dissent, while ignoring the real sources of inequality and disastrous environmental policies (whose consequences seem ot no interest to them). Saving the planet is not in their plans. Somehow is is as American as apple pie.
They are in this respect the same as those they accuse of oppressing them.