After reading about Professor Fryer's study that showed a correlation between books in a home and first grade success, I asked a black pastor friend of mine in Seattle about starting a service of providing books. He seemed interested, but I have been distracted with other things and did not work on this. Now with a list we may be able to get something going. Thank you.

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If you do start this I would love to hear how it goes and what the reception is.

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What a great article! I have often wondered where these kinds of books could be found, so I really appreciate this list! I think it's important for children to learn about different cultures and ethnicities, but have struggled to find books about black people that are not focused on racism as the key theme.

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I have seen this in my friend's children. It is painful. They see a an African-American child and literally recite a script. It hurts even more than when they pose for a photo and say "Subscribe, like and favorite...."

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Wonderful article! Will be getting some of these for my grandson. Our family is not black. It seems great, though, for him to get the messages of these stories and also to know these are human values and experiences, common to us all. Thank you!

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Thank you, this is a super helpful list, a labor of love. Is there any you can get it published more broadly? It deserves a wide audience. I'll do my part with friends and family. Thank you.

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Thank you and thanks for sharing! If you can think of any other venues for it, apart from our own journal, we're all ears.

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What a great list of books!

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Here's another good one about family that my children and I enjoy reading: Full, Full, Full of Love by Trish Cooke. It tells the story of a big family dinner hosted by grandma, from the point of view of a little boy. The family is black, but it's not a plot point. Very sweet book.

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Age says I'm way beyond good picture books but I'm not. How I would like reading these good books. Thanks for the discussion of your criteria for selecting good books. I appreciate this essay more than you know..

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A truly good book is enjoyed at any age😊

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I can’t thank you enough for this! Absolutely wonderful.

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I love these recommendations. When my children were young a favorite of ours was The Ghost of Sifty Sifty Sam. While both the main character and ghost are black, the story is not about race or social justice. Delightful story.

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I don't know this one! *googles immediately*

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Gorgeous books. My children loved Corduroy as well as the sequel. Agree with the assessment if woke children’s books--can’t stand the unpoetic rhymes of Ibram X. Kendi. You might like my substack defending banned and challenged children’s books:melissaknox.Substack.com

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I do not have children, but this was a pleasure to read. It feels really good to know that there are still sane Americans out there. I have tended to surround myself with immigrants. I hear American accented English and assume the individual is a simpleton, ahem, I meant anti-racist.

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Hope you've heard the Pete Seeger "Abiyoyo!" (a favorite): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPZtuPyXRfw

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As I was reading the article the first book that came to my mind was Corduroy. It was the first book I gave to our grandchildren. Then it was the first book on the list. Warmed my heart. Thank you for this list. Our grandson was excited to tell me the first time he rode on an escalator. 🥰

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I really admire your way of looking at the world. Beautiful.

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