Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

This is a thinking person. She recognizes the crumb Biden threw to Black voters, and she sees the manipulation. Absolutely Free Black Thought. Well done.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

In my view, and I'm sure the view of many others, the most racist people are those trying to "help" black people.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

I admire your contrarian approach but in Aug 22 Biden signed a $3Billion sale of missiles to Saudi, who have been slaughtering people in Yemen, I would encourage you to actually watch Lord of War where the core message is that there’s a “legal” arms trade too which results in the same atrocities you’ve put on Bout’s hands. I’m very happy for Griner’s loved ones seeing her back home safe, Bout’s business continued on whether in jail or not by legal or illegal means with many rich states actively involved in arms trading.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

Thanks for the informative article. No doubt Bout will have agreed to repay the Kremlin by getting them as many weapons as possible to keep bombarding Ukrainian civilians and their essential infrastructure, not to mention continuing the African conflicts that the Wagner group are waging for Putin. A brilliant outcome for Putin and the Russian war machine.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

Seemed an absurdly bad trade on the face of it but I am well-and-truly horrified now that I have read this piece...

Thank You for writing and publishing this.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

Until reason and objectivity become the coin of the realm injustices like this will be the norm. Might I suggest that we take the attitude the Romans used to take - that any society that harmed one of their citizens would pay a thousand fold in return. You want to lock up Britney Griner for nonsense, we take out a thousand of your people starting with Vladimir Putin. This would end this kind of thing immediately, not to mention turning enemies into good friends. Look what 2 atomic bombs did to our relationship with Japan.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

I appreciate knowing the truth. Thank you for refreshing my memory of the how this man profited from and enabled these horrific atrocities and bloodshed. I grieve for the children and pray for their future. Education and awareness is the key to changing hearts and minds.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

The deal will also make it more risky for black, gay, wealthy and/or high profile Americans (inc. Russian/Americans) to visit Russia in future. Planting a small amount of cannabis on passengers during questioning must be pretty easy.

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Thank you, Connie. This is an important piece and an important moment in our nation.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

Well-done. If only more folk would look through the obvious manipulations (often based on identity) and start thinking about costs and tradeoffs we'd be far better off. Grand "we", as in everyone.

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Well put sister. And we should further understand there is a reason the US agreed to free Viktor Bout. And it ain’t because they care about Brittney Griner. White power can always find common ground when it comes to those committed to destroying Black life.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

Victor Bout dealt arms to FARC the cite of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's fictional representations and of Roundup-ready Plan Columbia. He was instrumental in protecting the Columbian people and an anti-imperialist par extraordinaire!

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought


I wonder how many people pushing for Bout's release read the Wikipedia article on him?

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

I find that we would be much better off as a society, if my people were allowed, too, to speak with such candor of out interests. Only then could we find overlap without having to doubt each other's intentions.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Free Black Thought

Great digging shows up flaccid, reflexive thinking in the black media.

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Framing it this way is insane frankly.

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