Well. If you were asking the Democratic Party to pay reparations out of its own pocket to black people, that would be good. But it just sounds like you want to hold innocent people responsible for what is the Democratic Party’s outstanding debt. How about people stop trying to move the blame from the Democratic Party onto innocent people for the legacy of slavery?

Until voters start talking about what the Democratic Party owes, any reparations or affirmative action talk by those voters to black people is phony and disingenuous. If you want to help pay for reparations to me I can open a patreon up. I don’t want the Slave Party controlling how I spend money that I would receive for compensation for crimes done to my ancestors by the Slave Party itself, including theft of land. That would be perverse.

If you want the *government* to invest in the country’s future, it should do so without concern about privileging people based on race.

Did you read my previous essay that was published here that directly addressed the topic of reparations to black people?

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The proposed program would immediately require a large new bureaucracy built on arbitrary and subjective standards and thus prove divisive. While only about 3% of Americans "check more than one box" on the census forms, more than 50% of the population is of mixed race to one degree or another. What percentage of your ancestry would have to be ADOS or indigenous to qualify? Who decides? This system would provide a strong financial incentive for individuals to decide to go into STEM fields even if their preferences or abilities lay elsewhere. In general all governmental programs of any sort that require racial categorization of individuals will fail just as badly as slavery did.

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" The parents or grandparents of all other groups came to the US willingly and stayed willingly. "

(1) The United States started a war and took the entire West from the Mexicans. I would not call that came willingly to the US. Rather, the US came to them and stole their land.

(2) No one forced former slaves to stay here after they had their freedom. They willingly stayed. Such false premises do not make for a credible article.

What we should do is treat each person as an individual. Maybe, some descendants of former slaves need help. Whether that is due to slavery is debatable. The proper issue is whether an individual needs help. If so, then it is our collectively duty to help as much as we can, and it is his/her individual duty to do as much as he/she can. Helping themseles does not include forming gangs that kill Black children.

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1) Wouldn't at least most descendants of Mexicans (few are 100% Spanish) count as Native Americans, who are covered in the article?

2) Why should former slaves have left their own country after fighting for and attaining freedom? What foreign country were they supposed to go to? Most of them had roots in North America deeper than those of many white Americans.

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When the government is used to pay reparations to people based on their racial ancestry it is using tax payer money, which includes money that comes from people of that racial ancestry and people of ancestry that had no direct relationship to the crimes that the reparations are for, which means the government is seizing the wealth of innocent people to pay for the crimes of some other people. Those crimes also happen to have been committed by some of the most powerful organizations in the world, such as the Democratic Party — and those organizations not only pay nothing directly for its crimes, but politically benefit through more power and wealth that goes to its most powerful members, who control the purse strings of the government and receive votes due to political patronage, which reparation schemes are primarily about. The notion that some random white person is morally culpable for reparations because his ancestors lived as fishermen in the south during American slavery while the organization that established the confederacy is free of blame is absurd. It’s morally grotesque.

Why the hell do you think I should pay for reparations to descendants of black slaves or for that matter descendants of “native Americans” when I am a descendant of black slaves? And you want my money to be controlled largely by the same party that fought a war to keep my ancestors enslaved? Totally insane. How about the government takes less of my money so that I can decide what to do with it myself? Personally I think I am much better equipped to decide how my money is spent to benefit myself and people who I care about and the rest of the country than the heirs of the Party of Slavery.

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Do you really think that this ill conceived form of AA should extend to 30% of California. 48% of Los Angeles would qualify as descendants of Native Americans (a term which Indians do not like). Only 8% of LA is Black. What about all the people in Upstate New York who have Iroquois ancestors? How will the great Woker AA system work? How about we establish special schools for Native American children and take them away from their parents so they can be prepared for their wonderful new lives.

In the group of people owed nothing are successful Blacks. "They and their descendants are not owed any special considerations—reparations, reward, or investment." In other words, if one is Black who is doing poorly, slavery is the cause and AA is required but if one is Black and successful, by some unspoken magic slavery did not impact them.

As for leaving, the author put forth the element of leaving as justification for ignoring a person's plight. Thus, if one's family came here in 1654, always lived in the north, never had slaves but were ardent abolitionists and fought in the civil war to free the slaves, their opportunities should now be diminished because they did not leave the USA and go back to England. Lots of Africans did return to Africa so that was a definite option for them. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/freed-u-s-slaves-depart-on-journey-to-africa

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How many colleges will lower standards even more than they've already been lowered so students can get their college paid for as STEM majors?

Psychology professors want Psychology included as STEM. Anyone seriously think more Psych majors is what the country really needs?

Will "Exercise Science" which is nothing more than a different name for Physical Education be considered STEM? Anyone who thinks Exercise Science majors are rigorous should contact me about some ocean-front property in Nebraska that I'm selling at a great price.

We do not need another program that increases the benefit of having a child by a man who never acts like a loving, positively-involved father. As part of the "Great Society" program, welfare was greatly expanded and the out-of-wedlock birthrate skyrocketed. The best predictor of child poverty is not race but family structure. The inference that the poverty must be the result of systemic racism rather than the bad choices people have made is troubling.

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