I have little to no doubt if you were to present Martin Luther King's five principles of nonviolence to Social Justice Warriors and their ilk in such a way that they would not be seen as coming from King they would be overwhelmingly rejected. Though we may be reaching the point where King himself could be rejected. There is little of Kin…
I have little to no doubt if you were to present Martin Luther King's five principles of nonviolence to Social Justice Warriors and their ilk in such a way that they would not be seen as coming from King they would be overwhelmingly rejected. Though we may be reaching the point where King himself could be rejected. There is little of King to be found there in much the same way there is little of Jesus to be found by those who worship at the altar of Trump. They have both become a nuisance to the cause.
I have little to no doubt if you were to present Martin Luther King's five principles of nonviolence to Social Justice Warriors and their ilk in such a way that they would not be seen as coming from King they would be overwhelmingly rejected. Though we may be reaching the point where King himself could be rejected. There is little of King to be found there in much the same way there is little of Jesus to be found by those who worship at the altar of Trump. They have both become a nuisance to the cause.